How To Recession Proof Your Job
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

- Lighten up. People prefer working with those who are easy to get along with, even over colleagues who are more capable but less friendly.
- Look forward to a brighter future. Anticipate a state where things will improve.
- Anticipate customer needs, both internally and externally. Make your contribution indispensable.
- Become ambidextrous. Volunteer to take on more responsibilities.
- Offer solutions to corporate leaders. Show why your department matters. Showing empathy for a leader improves your chances of keeping your job.
- Unite and inspire colleagues. Revive spirits, get people talking to each other, have fun.
- Become a good corporate citizen. Show up at the informal meetings you're used to skipping. Participate.
- Get your ducks in a row. Revise your resume now. Make a list of contacts. Think creatively about your future. Make a Plan B that is better than your Plan A.